Sashastra Seema Bal Trades Man Latest Jobs Vacancy 2013 Sashastra Seema Bal 810 Trades Man Recruitment 2013 SSB Recruitment 2013
Sashastra Seema Bal Recruitment 2013 Sashastra Seema Bal Invites Applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria for filling up the vacancies given below Detail of Vacancies :-
Age Limit :- 18 to 23 years (The crucial date to determine the age will be 31.07.2013)
Educational Qualifications :- (a) Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized Board with (i) two years work experience in respective trades; or (ii) One year certificate course from a recognized Industrial Training Institute or Vocational Institute with at least one year experience in the Trade ; or(iii) Two years Diploma from recognized Industrial Training Institute in the trade or similar trade. (b) Candidates must qualify the trade test for appointment as a Tradesman in SSB. Application Fee :- the candidates belonging to General and OBC Category will be required to pay Rs. 50/-(non refundable) as application fee in the form of Bank Draft. The Bank Draft should be prepared in favour of authorities as mentioned at Para 19 Column No. 3 below. No fee will be charged from SC/ST, Ex-Servicemen and female candidates. Please see Advertisement.
How To Apply :- Eligible and interested candidates should send their Applications (duly filled in) complete in all respect along with Admit Card duly filled in, in the prescribed pro-forma as per Annexure-I and Annexure-II. The application shall be typed on one side only in full size plain paper with passport size photographs affixed, application fee, attested copies of testimonials are sent on the address mentioned in Para-19 Coloumn 2 of this advertisement so as to reach to the addressee on or before the prescribed last date i.e. 31-07-2013 (Please see advertisement)
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