UPRVUNL Office Assistant –III & Junior Engineer latest Jobs Vacancies 2013 UP Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited handicapped under Backlog Quota Recruitment 2013 UPRVUNL Recruitment 2013
UPRVUNL Recruitment 2013 U.P. RAJYA VIDYUT UTPADAN NIGAM LTD. Invites Application from the eligible candidates who fulfill the following eligibility criterion for filling up the vacancies given below. Detail of Vacancies :- 06 posts
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Age Limit :- As on 31.01.2013. (i) For Executive and Ministerial Positions:- Minimum 21 yrs. & Maximum 40 yrs. (ii) For Supervisory Positions:- Minimum 18 yrs. & Maximum 40 yrs. Educational Qualifications :-(Please Download advertisement detail given below for more information.) How To Apply :- (A). Candidate must have six (06) copies of his recent passport size coloured photographs before applying for any post. (B) Candidates can fill the application form Physically as per the format of Annexure ” A”. (C) While applying Physically the email ID (Valid for at least 12 months) is mandatory to be filled up. The physical application should be duly filled in and be sent to the following by Registered / Speed Post.. Secretary, U.P. Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Sewa Aayog, U.P. Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd., 10th floor, Room No. 1023, Shakti Bhawan Extn., 14-Ashok Marg, Lucknow, PIN – 226 001 (U.P.) Incomplete applications, without photo and signature will be rejected. LAST DATE :- 11.03.2013. Published at http://karmokhatro.blogspot.in/ For More Information Please - View More ! |
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