1. Assistant Grade-I (Human Resource): 10 Nos.
Qualification: Bachelor’s degree in any discipline with 50% marks in aggregate AND 40 words per minute typing speed in Computer in English. Candidates must have done computer certificate of minimum 6 months duration covering MS Office, Internet and e-mail Management.
2. Assistant Grade-I (Finance & Accounts): 11 Nos.
Qualification: Bachelor’s degree in Commerce with 50% marks in aggregate AND 40 words per minute typing speed in Computer in English. Candidates must have done computer certificate of minimum 6 months duration covering MS Office, Internet and e-mail Management.
3. Assistant Grade-I (Contracts & Materials Management): 5 Nos.
Qualification: Bachelor’s degree in Science (with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) with 50% marks in aggregate AND 40 words per minute typing speed in Computer in English. Candidates must have done computer certificate of minimum 6 months duration covering MS Office, Internet and e-mail Management.
4. Stenographer Grade-I: 7 Nos.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree in any discipline with 50% marks in aggregate AND speed of 80 wpm in English Stenography and 40 wpm in English typing on Computer. Candidates must have done computer certificate of minimum 6 months duration covering MS Office, Internet and e-mail Management. Preference will be given to the candidates with knowledge of Hindi Stenography and Typing.
5. Nurse ‘A’ (Female): 6 Nos.
Qualification: Diploma in Nursing and Midwifery (3yrs course) after Higher Secondary and One year Diploma in Medical Lab. Technology with 60% marks OR B.Sc in Medical Lab. Technology with 60% marks.
6. Pathology Lab Technician (Scientific Assistant / B): 1 Nos.
Qualification: B.Sc with 50% marks and One year Diploma course in Medical lab. Technology with 60% marks OR B.Sc in Medical Lab Technology with 60% marks.
7. Pharmacist/ B: 1 Nos.
Qualification: Higher Senior Secondary and 2yrs Diploma in Pharmacy plus 6months Trainging in Pharmacy and Registration as a Pharmacist with Pharmacy Council.
8. X- Ray Technician (Technician/ B): 1 Nos.
Qualification: 10+2 in Science with 60% marks plus one year Medical Radiography/ X- Ray Technique trade certificate.
9. Operation Theatre Assistant (Technician/ B): 2 Nos.
Qualification: 10+2 in Science with 60% marks plus one year Certificate course of Operation Theatre Assistant.
10. Scientific Assistant / B: 22 Nos.
Qualification: 3yrs of Diploma course after SSC in Civil, electrical, Mechanical, Control & Instrumentation/ Instrumentation/ Electronics Engineering (60% marks)
11. Scientific Assistant/ C: 20 Nos.
Qualification: SSC and 3yrs of Diploma course with 60% marks in Civil/ Electrical/ mechanical/ Control & Instrumentation/ Electronics Engineering.
Post qualification experience of 4yrs (full time) as a Supervisor in the respective discipline as on 01.01.2013.
12. Stipendiary Trainee (Diploma holder in Engineering): 41 Nos.
Qualification: SSC and 3yrs of Diploma or Licentiate with 60% marks in Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electronics or Instrumentation Engineering. Candidates should have studied English as one of subject after SSC or HSC level examination.
13. Stipendiary Trainee Operator (10+2): 63 Nos.
Qualification: HSC (10+2) or ISC (with Science Subjects) with minimum 50% marks in Science and Mathematics individually. Candidates should have studied English as one of subject alteast after SSC level examination.
14. Stipendiary Trainee Maintainer (ITI): 52 Nos.
Qualification: SSC (Class 10) with 50% marks in Science subjects and Mathematics and Mathematics individually AND 2yrs ITI in electronics, Electrician, Machinist or Turner, Fitter and Welder. Candidates with the course whose duration is less than 2yrs then the candidates should have atleast one year of working experience in the trade. Candidates should have studied English as one of subject atleast at SSC level examination.
Age Limits: Age limits varies from post to post. For details, visit the below given link.
How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may apply on prescribed application format given along with the Advertisement in PDF format. (Live url given below).
Self Attested copies of testimonials in support of qualification, age, caste and etc is to be attached the form.
Candidates must superscribe the Advertisement No., Name and Code No. of the post applied for on the top of theapplication form containing envelope.
Candidates applying for more than one post may submit separate application for each post.
Last Date of Application: Application form along with enclosures must reach by ORDINARY POST only on or before 15th May 2013 (5 PM), at the following address — “DEPUTY MANAGER (HR), RECRUITMENT SECTION, VIJAY BHAWAN, RAWATBHATA RAJASTHAN SITE, NPCIL, PO – ANUSHAKTI, VIA-KOTA (RAJASTHAN), PIN – 323303”.
For more details and Application form, please visit the following url/ link — http://www.npcil.nic.in/main/jobsrecent.aspx
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