Ordnance Depot Alipore, Kolkata, is recruiting 11 Nos. for the Group C posts – Mazdoor, Lower Division Clerk and Washerman. Eligible and interested candidates may apply for the post of prescribed application format within 21 days from the date of this notification in Employment News. Qualification norms and eligibility criteria is given below —
1. Mazdoor: 8 Nos. (Gen—4; OBC—3; SC—01). Out of total vacancies, 1nos. for PH candidates and one Nos. for Ex-serviceman.
Qualification: Matriculation or equivalent. Knowledge of Hindi is desirable.
Candidates must be physically well built and capable of performing strenuous duties.
Selection of the candidates will be through Physical Fitness test, Endurance Test, Written Test and Interview. Endurance and Physical Test will be as decided by the Board.
Pay Scale: Rs.5200 –20200 and Grade pay: Rs.1800/-
2. Lower Division Clerk: 2 Nos. (Gen—1; SC—1)
Qualification: Class 12 or equivalent.
Selection of the candidates will be through Written Test, Interview and Skill Test (i.e. Computer typing test)
Pay Scale: Rs.5200—20200 and Grade pay: Rs.1900/-
3. Washerman: 1 Nos. (Gen)
Qualification: Matriculation or equivalent,
Candidates will be selected through Endurance Test/ Physical Test, Written Test and Interview. Endurance/ Practical Test will be as per decided by the Board.
Age Limits: Candidates must be between 18yrs to 25yrs as on last date of the application. Upper age relaxation for SC/ST- 5yrs; OBC- 3yrs; PWD- 10yrs; Ex-Serviceman & any other Categories - As per Govt. norms.
Selection of the candidates will be through Written Test, Endurance/ Physical Test, Typing Test (as applicable, see above) and Interview.
Date and venue will be intimated to the eligible candidates in due course through call letters by post.
How to Apply: Apply on prescribed application format along with attested copies testimonials in support of qualification, age, caste and etc. (Please make little changes in the application format as highlighted below)
Candidates must enclose One self-addressed envelope (25cms X 10cms) with affixed postal stamp of Rs.25/-.
Candidates willing to apply for more than one post shall submit separate application for each post.
Last Date of Application: Application form along with enclosure must reach on or before 21 days by Registered post or Speed post from the date of publication of this advertisement in Employment News, (i.e. the last date is 27th April 2013).
Address to send the application form: The Commandant, Ordnance Depot, Alipore, Kolkata— 700027.
Super scribe the top of the envelope with the name of the post applied for and Category (i.e. Gen/ OBC/ ST/SC etc)
N.B: Recent changes has been made by the Authorities in the format of application form. The amendment of format of application mentioned in Part-II as under:-
The Commandant
Ordnance Depot, Alipore
Kolkata - 27
Pin - 900283
C/o 99 A PO
The Commandant
Ordnance Depot, Alipore
Kolkata - 700027
Pin - 900285
C/o 99 APO
(The rest of the format will remain unchanged).
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